Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In what ways are new media affecting careers?

Not long ago, a degree could only be earned by attending school (physically going to school), which meant not everyone had access to all fields of study or even a good education. Now-a-days with the high development of technology, everyone in the world has access to any school, online course and any kind of data at any time, bringing a higher rate of competition not only amongst students but also amongst schools. Students wanting to succeed and differentiate themselves from the rest have to obtain more than one specialization and become great at it; since competition now is not only based between peers from the local area but between people around the world. Higher education no longer has the value that it once had. Therefore, people achieve an even higher level of education and try to broaden their horizons in order to stand out and ensure success in their lives.

New media also brings change in the work environment. Technology has come to rapidly replace manual labor. What once required a number of people to do at a factory or plant is now being done by robotic technology or heavy machinery that does not need a human to oversee the job being done. At the same time, it has opened up doors for new careers to be developed, since more and more people are needed to give maintenance to this equipment and develop better and greater versions of all technology. In order to survive in the work force today, people have to constantly keep up with the rapid change of technology so they can maintain their positions and not be left behind.

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