Sunday, November 21, 2010

Describe how cell phone works so a 12 year old could understand it.

A cell phone is a wireless device with which you can make and receive calls from anywhere in the world. It is a way in which people communicate and because it has become really useful, cell phones now can do much more than just calling. They are equipped with many other functions like text messaging, music playing, video recording, access to the Internet and many other things, but the true wonder comes from how all this works.

Cell phones work a little bit different than regular phones because they need to provide you with service everywhere you go. Cell phones use a cellular network that allows them to stay connected even when you are moving; it does it by jumping from one cell to another. These particular cells allow cell phones to stay connected thus providing you with enough service anywhere you are.

Cell phones today can do so many things that it is impossible to not be connected with people around the world. Depending on the kind of cell phone you have and the service you request, your cell phone is capable of sending and receiving emails, logging into chat rooms and having applications to play with. It can also record and play videos and play music -just like an iPod does. Text messaging is also very popular and easy to use; you just need to type up the message and press send. With text messages you might feel like you are in a chat room, because it allows quick responses and you can also incorporate emoticons to the text, making it more casual and friendlier.

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