Friday, November 12, 2010

What are the four models of public relations?

Public Relations has many models, but Grunig’s four primary models are the ones that stand out because they describe the evolution of PR.  The models go as follow:
1.)   Press Agentry/Publicity model: this is a one-way communication method, which uses persuasion and manipulation to influence audience to behave as the organization desires.
2.)   Public Information model: also uses a one-way communication channel and it basically uses the press releases and other one-way communication techniques to distribute organizational information. When working within this category, practitioners are often referred as ‘journalists in residence’.
3.)   Two-way Asymmetrical model: is the most common PR practice today. Its method consists in sending out information and then doing research to see if the public understands it in the way you intended it. If this is not the case, then you might have to refine your methods and research.  
4.)   Two-way Symmetric model: is the most conducive for optimum mutual benefit. It involves researching the audience and finding out what is important to them and how they get their information, as well as evaluating how the public and the company see their relationship as mutually beneficial. 

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