Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Samsung Galaxy Tab

1. What is the Samsung Galaxy Tab? How much does the Tab cost and what kinds of hardware configurations are available?
The Samsung Galaxy Tab is a new kind of tablet computer. It is considered the iPad’s first real rival because they both share similarities, but they too have considerable differences. The Samsung Galaxy Tab is going to be introduced by the cellular companies like Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon but unlike the iPad, the Tab will be sold with cellular capabilities. There are two fixed prices: $400 if you purchase the Tab with a cellular data contract and $600 if you purchase it with the cellular capability but no contract. This already gives the Tab an edge since the iPad is sold at a higher price and its lowest only has a WiFi connection.
The Tab uses Google’s Android operating system, which allows it to run programs like Adobe Flash and also lets it be multitasking. The problem is that there are not enough applications that have been developed to work on the Tab, therefore variety is not an option for these users. A plus is that this device possesses two cameras that allow the user to make video calls and/or record videos.
2. What is the size of the Samsung Tab's screen and in comparison to the iPad, how much smaller is the screen space actually?
The tab has a 7-inch screen, which makes it less than half the size on the iPad’s. The iPad’s screen is 9.7-inches and although it does not sound like a major difference, measuring it using diagonal measurements it is. An advantage to having a smaller screen is that it makes the device as a whole smaller and lighter, which in return becomes easier to be handled with one hand and easier to carry and store.
3. How does the Samsung Tab compare to the iPad in battery longevity tests? Overall, how did the reviewer rate the Samsung Tab in comparison to the iPad?
The life battery of the Tab is not the best. In a comparison study between the iPad and the Tab, both devices were left on their fullest brightness, WiFI ON and playing videos and the results were considerable. The iPad lasted for eleven hours and twenty-eight minutes, while the Tab only lasted six hours and fifty minutes.
Overall the Samsung Galaxy Tab is “attractive, versatile and competitively priced.” It provides users with a new real alternative that has advantages over the iPad but at the same time make it too simple to steal the iPad’s place.

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