Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mediabistro is another ad site that has been designed to bring professionals together and allow them to explore possibilities by meeting informally and work with each other. Their greater goal is to ‘revolutionize the way creative/content industry professionals relate’. They want people to have a place where these professionals can work on projects together, mentor each other and allow them to see how much in common they have from their past experiences. Their mission is to offer opportunities to share resources, improve career skills, become informed of job opportunities and showcase your work. The site is open to anyone who creates or works with content such as: editors, writers, producers and book publishers. They also want industries to participate and so they are also open to magazines, radio, newspapers, advertising, design, online media and PR.

Like Ad week, Mediabistro also is very user-friendly and gives users a chance to use the site a medium of information to research jobs and post different things. Articles on this site relate to different topics and also provide new insight and information on how to do things better. Amongst the articles or posts found on this site are: “Get creative with a nonfiction proposal for Lit agent” and “Cheezburger network CEO Ben Huh’s career advise for entrepreneurs”.

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