Friday, October 1, 2010

If Conventional TV model is dying, what should replace it?

 I think computers and the Internet will replace conventional TV. With technology changing and becoming better each day, computers have a better shot at succeeding and staying in place of TV’s. The Internet too, has gone from being used only to deliver certain information, to be a place where we search our favorite shows and movies. So, basically this shows us that computers and the Internet are revolutionizing our world and the way in which we receive information.

If we ask ourselves: What function does TV play in our lives? We realize that it really only serves as a mode of relaxation and to deliver information. These two things can be done by using your computers and the Internet. Every TV show can now be found ‘online’ and watched in sites like: YouTube, Hulu and Netflix. These sites bring even more benefits that conventional TV, because you get the choice to watch them whenever and wherever you want. Even though, there are DVR’s and TIVO to provide a service similar to this one, people still choose to use their computers, because these are portable.

Another reason why computers and the Internet will replace TV is because the service is much cheaper than cable TV and there is much more variety than TV’s. Monitors can be as big as big TV sets, but the difference is that you can do much more in a monitor than the TV. People will always look to multitask or have hardware in which you can do more than just one thing; therefore computers fulfill this role much better than TV’s. For these reasons mentioned above, I believe computers and the Internet will replace conventional TV’s in the years to come.


  1. I think television is more than just a "mode of relaxation and to deliver information". When my parents watch the news, they can only take so much of it until they turn it off due to the stress, anger, and sadness it sometimes brings them. Television creates an assortment of emotions in people, depending on the program being viewed. Some people watch television in order to be scared by horror films, get excited over action programs, or cry over romantic movies. Television helps you escape into a fantasy world that alows you to choose what genre you want to be a part of.

  2. Nemira,
    I never even thought about the use of Netflix as a replacement of television, but you are absolutely right. I believe I have even heard rumors of them starting to produce their own material. Now that would cause a real issue in the television world.

    Additionally, you mentioned cable television costing more than the internet. That is not the case where I am from. They are equal in price and actually part of a trio package (along with a land line phone). Despite that, I do agree with what you might have actually meant: producing webisodes is in many cases cheaper than producing episodes. Hmm. . .

    Finally, I just want to say I love the look of your blog. The fact that you include pictures makes it very appealing to the eye.

    Great post!
